
Thursday, 15 September 2011

Role of Organic Manure


It promotes beneficial microorganisms in the root rhizosphere.
It improves soil health by:
Converts residual organic matter into humified substance.
Helps in solubilizing unavailable mineral nutrients into readily available form.
Contributes directly by addition of humic components into the soil.

Bio-Organic Manure is ideal for improvement of soil properties in terms of
Porosity for ease of ploughing and crop root expansion.
Moderator of bulk density to improve both sandy as well as clay soils.

Better transmission ability in the soil for:
for conservation of water & nutUts.
for temperature regulation
higher microbial activity 

1 comment:

  1. The efficient way to produce organic fertilizer is to pre-compost then feed the waste to earthworms. Earthworms have a turn over rate of one week, and pre-composting can happen in a day. The end result is a material that does not need curing for 2 month as compost does. Vermicast, produced by earthworms, is ready and safe to use on plants while fresh compost contains phytotoxins, which get degraded during curing. Vermicast also has higher levels of mineralized plant nutrients, as compared to compost. More on that in a government factsheet on vermicasting,, and at
