
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Compost Improves Soil Structure

Compost Improves Soil Structure:

Compost is partially decomposed plant material mixed with soil. Since compost is rich in organic matter, use it to improve soil structure, tilth, fertility, and water- and nutrient-holding capacity. Compost can be mixed directly into the garden soil or used as a mulching material that is mixed with the soil after the growing season. The biggest benefit from compost is its value as a soil conditioner.
Compost increases the water-holding capacity of soil, reducing the frequency you need to water. Adding compost improves sandy and clay soils. Plant growth nutrients in compost include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They are mostly in an organic form, and they release slowly and are less subject to leaching.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Bio Organic Fertilizer: composting is organic matter

Bio Organic Fertilizer: composting is organic matter: Compost is organic matter (plant and animal residues) which has been rotted down by the action of bacteria and other organisms, over a perio...

composting is organic matter

Compost is organic matter (plant and animal residues) which has been rotted down by the action of bacteria and other organisms, over a period of time.Materials such as leaves, fruit skins and animal manures can be used to make compost. Compost is cheap, easy to make and is a very effective material that can be added to the soil, to improve soil and crop quality.

Compost improves the structure of the soil. This allows more air into the soil, improves drainage and reduces erosion.Compost improves soil fertility by adding nutrients and by making it easier for plants to take up the nutrients already in the soil. This produces better yields.

Compost improves the soil’s ability to hold water. This stops the soil from drying out in times of drought.
Compost can reduce pests and diseases in the soil and on the crop.Compost has many advantages over chemical fertilisers.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Organic manure for nutrient supply

Organic manure for nutrient suppy,chemical pest control system .Microbial decomposition of organic matter results in the forming of humus and these release many plant nutrients.Microbes also produce sticky substances called polysaceharides that glue soil particles together.Humus exerts a positive influence on the physical chemical and biological properties of soil and therefore is a major factor determining the soil fertility.

Humus improves soil bulk density & water holding capacity(sandy soil) and infiltration capacity in clay soil by aggregation due to improved soil porosity and aeration,helps root growth and penetration and increases the slow and steady availability of plant nutrients by virtue of its chelation property.Humus substances specially increase phosphorus availability as they have a very high catio exchange capacity.

Organic manure compost contain a very large population of bacteria,actinomycetis & fungi and also stipulate those which are present in soil.Nitrogen fixation and phosphorous solubilization are increased due to improved microbial activity in the soil.

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost: City Compost for Urban Farming: India’s Green Revolution rescued the nation from food crisis, but left over 11.6 million hectares of low-...

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost: Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost : City Compost for Urban Farming: India’s Green Revolution rescued the nation from food crisis, b...

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Organic manure for nutrient supply

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Organic manure for nutrient supply: Organic manure for nutrient suppy,chemical pest control system .Microbial decomposition of organic matter results in the forming of humus an...

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Organic manure for nutrient supply

Organic manure for nutrient suppy,chemical pest control system .Microbial decomposition of organic matter results in the forming of humus and these release many plant nutrients.Microbes also produce sticky substances called polysaceharides that glue soil particles together.Humus exerts a positive influence on the physical chemical and biological properties of soil and therefore is a major factor determining the soil fertility.

Humus improves soil bulk density & water holding capacity(sandy soil) and infiltration capacity in clay soil by aggregation due to improved soil porosity and aeration,helps root growth and penetration and increases the slow and steady availability of plant nutrients by virtue of its chelation property.Humus substances specially increase phosphorus availability as they have a very high catio exchange capacity.

Organic manure compost contain a very large population of bacteria,actinomycetis & fungi and also stipulate those which are present in soil.Nitrogen fixation and phosphorous solubilization are increased due to improved microbial activity in the soil.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Using City Compost: City Compost for Urban Farming: India’s Green Revolution rescued the nation from food crisis, but left over 11.6 million hectares of low-...

Using City Compost

City Compost for Urban Farming:

India’s Green Revolution rescued the nation from food crisis, but left over 11.6 million hectares of low-productivity
nutrient-depleted soils distroy by unbalanced and excessive use of synthetic fertilisers and lack of organic manure or micronutrients
City compost can fill this need and solve both the problems of barren land and organic nutrient shortages, estimated at 6 million tons a year.India’s 35 largest cities alone can provide 5.7 million tonnes a year of organic manure if their biodegradable waste is composted and returned to the soil.

Integrated Plant Nutrient Management, using city compost along with synthetic fertilisers, can generate enormous national savings as well as cleaning urban India.The application of compost together with synthetic fertilisers makes crops more pest-resistant by strengthening their root systems and also controls nutrient wastage and groundwater nitrate pollution.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Different types of organic manure

Different types of organic manure:
Organic manure covers manures made from cattle dung,excreta of other animals,rural & urban composts,other animal wastes,crop residues.Organic manure is improving the fertility & productivity of soils.

Organic manure made from:

Cattle dung
Excreta of other animals
Rural and urban compost
Other animal waste
Crop residues
Green manures

Organic manure significantly improve the soil physical properties:

Soil porosity
Water stable aggregates
Water holding capacity
Infiltration rate

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Reduce Chemical Inputs,Increase Yield !!!!!

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Reduce Chemical Inputs,Increase Yield !!!!!: Reduce chemical inputs.Increase yields: Soil nutrients are important for plant growth and development.Plants obtain carbon,hydrogen and ox...

Reduce Chemical Inputs,Increase Yield !!!!!

Reduce chemical inputs.Increase yields:
Soil nutrients are important for plant growth and development.Plants obtain carbon,hydrogen and oxygen from air and water.But other essential nutrients like nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,calcium,magnesium,sulfur and more must be obtained from the soil.

Fertilizers contaminate the soil with impurities, which come from the raw materials used for their manufacture. Mixed fertilizers often contain ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), phosphorus as P2O5, and potassium as K2O. For instance, As, Pb and Cd present in traces in rock phosphate mineral get transferred to super phosphate fertilizer.Since the metals are not degradable, their accumulation in the soil above their toxic levels due to excessive use of phosphate fertilizers, becomes an imperishable poison for crops.

The over use of NPK fertilizers reduce quantity of vegetables and crops grown on soil over the years. It also reduces the protein content of wheat, maize, grams, etc., grown on that soil. The carbohydrate quality of such crops also gets degraded. Excess potassium content in soil decreases Vitamin C and carotene content in vegetable & fruits.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Role of bioorganic manure in soil

Role of bioorganic manure:

  • It helps in suppresion of plant root disease through pro-biotic effects.
  • Resistance to plant leaves against sucking insects.
  • It helps to increase enzymatic activity in plants to detoxify pesticide residues and also increase quality of the produce.
  • The higher biological activity helps in breakdown of toxic chemical residues.
  • It helps in reclamation of salt affected or degraded soil through multiple actions in the soil profile.
  • Organic manure increase the quality,size & number of leaves,flower & fruits.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Bio-Organic manure is better than chemical fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is better than chemical fertilizer:

Product composition:Fertilizer having one or two essential plant nutrient in concentrated form.Manure has almost all the essential,macro & micro plant nutrients in mild form and millions of agricultuarly useful micro organism ie Azotobacter,Nitrobacter,Rhizobium,Phosphorus solublizers.

Get positive response in crops:Fertilizer gives response immidiate with in 24 hours in the crop.Manure starts to give response second day to one week, without any adverse effect.

Improve nutrients retention and their availability to plant:Fertilizer do not help to retain the nutrients.Manure retain the plant nutrients that would otherwise be lost by leaching and released as and when the plant requires.

Increase water - holding capacity in the root rhizosphere:Fertilizer do Not help to increase water holding capacity of the soil. Manure hold the water for longer period in the root zone and get availble to plant at the time of water stress condition.

Ability to improve seed germination and plant establishment:There is no bacterial presence in chemical fertilizer.Organic manure definite improvement in seed germination and quick plant growth establishment because the bacteria secrets plant growth harmones ie IAA,IBA, Gibrelic acids and vitamins.

Ability to break down toxic chemical substances in the soil and reduce residue in food, fruits & vegetables:Chemical fertilizer not effective.Organic Manure highly effective.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Bio-Organic fertilizer contains plant nutrients

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Bio-Organic fertilizer contains plant nutrients: Bio-Organic Manure contains a wide range of naturally chelated plant nutrients and trace elements, carbohydrates, amino acids and other gr...

Bio-Organic fertilizer contains plant nutrients

Bio-Organic Manure contains a wide range of naturally chelated plant nutrients and trace elements, carbohydrates, amino acids and other growth promoting substances.

Help acts as a soil conditioner by stimulating microbial activity in the soil which results in improved air-water relationships in soil, improved fertility and makes soil less prone to compaction and erosion.

Help in their regular fertility program report increases in yield, quality, shelf-life and resistance to environmental stresses such as drought, extreme heat, early frost, pest and disease problems.

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Organic fertilizer differ from chemicals fertilize...

Bio Organic Fertilizer: Organic fertilizer differ from chemicals fertilize...: Soils with lots of organic matter remain loose and airy, hold more moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, and promote he...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Organic fertilizer differ from chemicals fertilizer

Soils with lots of organic matter remain loose and airy, hold more moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, and promote healthier plant root development. If only chemicals are added the soil gradually loses its organic matter and microbiotic activity. As organic matter is used up, the soil structure deteriorates, becoming compact, lifeless and less able to hold water and nutrients.

Chemical fertilizer
This results in increased amounts of chemical fertilizers needed to feed plants. We also like organic fertilizers because they're made from renewable resources; chemicals are not.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Manure is an excellent fertilizer

Manure as a fertilizer:
Manure is an excellent fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. It also adds organic matter to the soil which may improve soil structure, aeration, soil moisture-holding capacity, and water infiltration.

Nutrient content of manure varies depending on source moisture content storage, and handling

methods.Nitrogen content in manure varies with the type of animal and feed ration,amount of litter,bedding or soil included,and amount of urine concentrated with the manure.

The use manure helps to maintain the organic matter content of the soil which can improve soil structure and water infiltration. However,manure is quickly decomposed under warm,moist soil conditions.

Chemical fertilizer or Organic fertilizer:

A chemical fertilizer is defined as any inorganic material of wholly or partially synthetic origin that is added to the soil to sustain plant growth.Many chemical fertilizer contain acids.such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid,which tend to increase the acidity of the soil,reduce the soil's beneficial organism population and interfere with plant growth.

Organic Matter
Generally healthy soil contains enough nitrogen-fixing bacteria to fix sufficient atmospheric nitrogen to supply the needs of growing plants.However,continued use chemical fertilizer may destroy these nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Organic fertilizer such as manure adds nutrients to soil.increase soil organic matter,improves soil strUre and tilth,improve water holiding capacity,reduces soil crusting problems,reduces erosion from wind and water ,improves water holding capacity and improve buffering capacity against fluctuations in pH levels.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Role of Organic Manure


It promotes beneficial microorganisms in the root rhizosphere.
It improves soil health by:
Converts residual organic matter into humified substance.
Helps in solubilizing unavailable mineral nutrients into readily available form.
Contributes directly by addition of humic components into the soil.

Bio-Organic Manure is ideal for improvement of soil properties in terms of
Porosity for ease of ploughing and crop root expansion.
Moderator of bulk density to improve both sandy as well as clay soils.

Better transmission ability in the soil for:
for conservation of water & nutUts.
for temperature regulation
higher microbial activity 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Adding organic matter

Organic matter, usually through compost and composting manures, are the main sources of soil fertility. These organic materials provide food to earthworms, beneficial bacteria and micro-organisms in the soil. All these creatures, seen and unseen, break soil down into compounds and nutrients in the decay of this material, nutrients that can then be absorbed into the plants roots.

 Organic matter also improves soil structure and texture, allowing the ground to better retain water and allow pockets of oxygen to exist. Both soil microbes and plant roots need oxygen to survive.

By adding organic matter once or a few times per year, you will not only create great soil that supports healthy plants, but you will also solve most of the problems experienced by conventional gardeners, such as disease, insect infestations and low vegetable yields.

Compost can be easily created from your kitchen waste in a compost bin, and is high in nutrients, humus and soil microorganisms.

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Saturday, 10 September 2011

Benefits of Organic Compost

Use of Organic Compost:

Organic manure
1.It possesses considerable water-holding capacity and thereby helps to maintain the water level of the soil.

2.It also helps rain-fed crops and improves the drainage of clayey soil.
3.Its dark colour contributes to absorption of energy from the sun, which leads to heating of the soil.

4.It extends availability of fertilizer nutrients by absorbing them and releasing slowly. It improves the fertilizer usage efficiency upto 20 to 40% and reduces consumption of fertilizer by 15 to 25%.

5.It acts as a buffer against changes in pH of the soil and help in reclamation of salt affected or degraded soils.

6.It ensures breakdown of toxic chemical residues in the soil system so as to allow lesser uptake by food crops..

7.It increases the quality, size and number of leaves, flowers and fruits.

8It is suitable for organic farming and is useful in sustainable agriculture.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Organic Manure Application

Organic Manure is used alone or in combination with chemical fertilisers at the time of sowing / transplanting as drilling or broadcast. It can also be applied as side dressing along the rows or encircling around the plants. When used in grown up crops it should be mixed with the top 10 cm soil followed by irrigation. Uniform broadcast application is suggested in nurseries,lawns and other landscaping activity. Since this is a fully digested material it can be applied at any time of the crop feeding stage without the fear of nitrogen robbing effect or creation of heating root zone as against normal cattle manures.

Usually the dosages are governed by the type and fertility of the soil. In normal soils with average fertility 600 – 800 kg per acre is suggested.

Similar dosage will be required for full organically grown crops. In high fertility clay soils the dosage may be 400 to 600 kg per acre.

In sandy soils and no fertility status up to 1500 – 2000 kg per acre may be required.

For reclamation of problematic soils such as degraded wastelands, usars lands and saline – alkaline soils usage of the product @ 1500 – 2000 / Acre is required.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Bio-organic fertilizer

Introduction of Biofertilizer:
The soils where these are more, are considered as fertile lands. There are a number of types of microbes. Some are visible under microscope, while some can be seen by naked eye. Earthworm is one such animal. For the growth of microbes, some organic products are required by these. These should be present in proper proportion. Conversion of these organic products, into fertilizer is the organic fertilizer manufacturing technique.

The advantages of organic fertilizer is as follows :
1.It improves the porosity of soil and leads to better air circulation in soil.
2.It improves the water level in the soil.
3.It helps in drainage of excess water.
4.Absorption of nutrients by roots is better.
5.Number of microbes in soil are increased.

Benefits of organic manures:
  1. Contains micro and macronutrients, such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and a fair amount of Manganese, Zinc, Copper and Iron. These are simultaneously added to the soil. Besides, it increases the microbial activity.
  2. There is improvement in Soil structure, water holding capacity, drainage, exchange capacity, seed germination and reduction of soil erosion.
  3. Humic substances released as byproducts of soil microbial activity increase the efficiency of bio and chemical fertilisers.
  4. Proliferation of plant parasite, soil nematodes are checked. Resistance of plants to pest attack is increased.
Types of bio-organic fertilizer:

These are divides in 3 classes:

1.Availability: FYM,Seed Cake,Excreta of animals & birds,Green farm manure,Solid waste from urban area.
2.Elements: Humus,Nitrogenous fertilizer,Phosphatic fertilizer,complex organic mater[,Potash fertilizer.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Types of Manure

What is Compost: Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment.Compost can be rich in nutrients.It is used as garden,landscaping,horticulture & agriculture. Types of Compost: There are three major types of Manure.
  • Green manure:
    Green Manure Fertilizer
  1. Green Manures increase the percentage of organic matter in the soil.
  2. The root systems of some varieties of green manure grow deep in the soil.
  3. Common cover crop functions of weed suppression and prevention of soil erosion.
  • Farmyard manure:

Farm Yard Manure
  1. Farm yard manure has been used as a fertilizer for farming,as it improve the soil structure.
  2. Its holding more nutrients and water.
  3. FYM also encourages soil microbial activity which promotes the soil's trace mineral supply ,improve plant nutrients.
  • Compost manure:<��[�ong>
  1. Improved water retention.
  2. Improved soil structure.
  3. Increased nutrient value.
  4. Improved nutrient holding capacity.
  5. Improve plant health.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Introduction of Fertilizer

What is a fertilizer:

The chemical composition of various essential minerals and elements meant for the regular as well as hastened growth and nourishment of all plants is termed as fertilizer. As these fertilizers have been used invariably to promote and enhance the productivity of commercial crops, therefore they are called agricultural fertilizers.

Organic Agricultural fertilizer:

Organic fertilizers are those fertilizers which are manufactured using organic substances which are bio-degradable. These organic substances are further decomposed and broken into smaller and soluble particles by numerous microorganisms.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Bio-Organic Compost

What is Organic Fertilizer:

Organic fertilizers constitute of decayed or partially decayed organic material which is to a great extent bio degradable. It includes animal waste and rotten green manure .
It is used by the plants with the help of the microorganisms in the soil which decompose the matter releasing the nutrients and thus making it soluble and ready to be taken in by the plants.
Certain examples of organic fertilizers are: Compost, Manure, fish and bone meal, etc.

What is Inorganic Fertilizer:

A chemical Fertilizer is known as inorganic fertilizer when its constituents are originated through synthetic means making them non- degradable.
They contain one or more of the essential growth nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and various others.

Listed below are a few of the most prominently used chemical fertilizers:

  • Anhydrous ammonia: A gas which contains 82% nitrogen.
  • Urea: A solid compound containing 46% nitrogen gas.
  • Superphosphate: Proportioned amounts of nitrogen and phosphate
  • Diammonium phosphate: Contains 18% nitrogen and 46% phosphate.
Manure: <]pan>The organic waste of animals is termed as manure when it gets decomposed by the ongoing process of bacteria and fungi. this decomposed matter called manure is then used in agriculture to enhance and promote productivity of soil.

What is the difference between Organic Matter and Manure:

  1. There are three types of manure. Animal and plant manure, which are directly added into soil are not considered as organic matter. But the decomposed compost can be considered as organic matter.
  2. It takes a long time to make organic matter or humus from the animal and plant materials that have been added to soil.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Bio Organic Compost

Bio-Organic fertilizer is dark brown to blackish,freeflowing,coarse powder.It is free from viable weed seeds,germs and Insect larvae.

Special Properties:

     The Physical Properties: 
  • Ensure improvement of soil structure.
  • Better root aeration.
  • Improvement of soil health.
  • Conditioning of clay and sandy soils.
      The Chemical Properties:
  • Higher nutrient retention and slow release feeding to the crop.
  • Balanced crop nutrition results in forceful appearance of flowering & fruiting cycle.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Bio fertilizer Compost

Bio-Organic fertilizer is made by accelerated bio conversion process under controlled conditions using remains of fruits, and by products of agro process industry.

Bio-Organic fertilizer is used alone or in combination with chemical fertilizers at the [ of sowing/transplanting as drilling or broadcast.Since this is a fully digested material it can be applied at any time of the crop feeding stage without the fear of nitrogen robbing effect or creation of heat in root zone as against normal cattle manures.